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A Salty, Sour, Tangy, Crunchy Cabbage Treat!


So recently I found myself saddled with a jar of pickled onions I'd picked up at a market that had zero crunch... But never one to waste a thing I set myself to task with the fate of the pickled onions. And cabbage was king!

As an aside, for this particular recipe your garden-variety pickled onions will do just as well - crunchy (as they should be)!

What you'll need:

1 large purple cabbage (really any large cabbage will do, I just love the gorgeous hue of purple on my plate!)

8 pickled onions

2 tablespoons of the pickled onion 'juice'

1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce (To be fair, you can halve this if you like. I am an absolute Worcestershire sauce nut, dousing my plate with it liberally at all and any occasion from salads to a greasy fry up!)

1 teaspoon Hot English Mustard (Merrily substitute for Wholegrain if the heat is an issue!)

1 teaspoon cumin powder

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper (Again, this you can halve if you don't like your food all that spicy, or substitute for any of your other favourites on the spice rack if heat is a no-go!)

1 teaspoon of paprika

Salt and pepper to taste

(While I don't particularly have a sweet tooth, you can also add a little brown sugar to taste if you like some added sweetness with your pickle.)

Roughly chop the cabbage and onions and then bung into a food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and blitz until finely chopped. (With my little food processor I usually do half to a third of the cabbage at a time.) Transfer into a sealable tupperware and give it all a final stir and presto!

My favourite way to eat this particular mash-up is a tablespoon of the cabbage pickle scooped into a little bowl, topped with a couple of spoonfuls of chunky tuna and finally a dollop of full fat Greek yoghurt with a sprinkling of sea salt. Feel free to add a slice of rustic rye to the mix slathered in salty butter!

Red Cabbage by Lynne Brown




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